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Why Dubai Hills Estate has quickly become every investor’s favorite

The recent boom of Dubai’s real estate industry has attracted thousands of investors from across the world. More and more investors are getting attracted to Dubai’s real estate market due to the wide variety of investment options and the high return on investment it offers. Those that bought properties a few years ago, are now reaping huge profits. Wondering how to buy an off plan property in Dubai? There are various ways to buy a property in the city. One of the most prominent ones is the off plan investment. Even though the concept was blamed for the 2008 market…

Hyperloop and its Impact on Dubai Real Estate

In the recent past, the Hyperloop transportation concept has been receiving a lot of attention and discussion across the world. The term was coined by Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and SpaceX in 2012. This comes at a time when developed countries are looking forward to establishing advanced transportation systems. The Dubai- Abu Dhabi Hyperloop, which is expected to start functioning by 2021, will be the first in the world. At a speed of 1200kms/hr, it will take only twelve minutes from Dubai to Abu Dhabi. This will help to cut the travel time that usually takes around 2hrs significantly.…

3 Stupid Ways that Smart Parents Waste Money on their Kids

We all know that smart people can do stupid things. Politicians come to mind. So do celebrities. And then there are all of those unfortunate Darwin Award recipients, many of whom had college degrees, high-profile jobs, and managed to use the word “antidisestablishmentarianism” in conversation a few times a year. And then, of course, there are smart parents who, unfortunately, have a propensity to do something pretty unintelligent (read: stupid) things when it comes to spending money on their kids. Here are some of the most common examples: Buying a ridiculous amount of birthday and Christmas gifts. The big problem…

Best In Ear Noise Cancelling Headphones For Your Daily Commute

Music is the rhythm of life. Music can make your heart twist into pieces, it can give your fire in your belly and make you feel invincible. It can make you forget that you are packed into a crowded train for an hour. There is something absolutely nerve-frying about your favourite melody or podcast being invaded by a stranger’s mundane and overly loud ramblings. The morning commute can be blissful as you watch the world slide by the windows, your favourite artist massaging your brain with sweet tones – or, it can be hell as people yell through the crowded…

Pool Gates: Why a Glass Gate is a Must for Your Pool!

Did you know that hundreds of children drown or receive submersion injuries in residential pools each year? This is exactly why it is mandatory to install pool gates and fences around your swimming pool so that you can avoid serious accidents and fatalities. However, when the view is great, the last thing we want to do to our swimming pool is to enclose it in an obvious manner. Good news is, glass gates and fences have the solution to your problem. Now you don’t have to compromise on either style or safety. Glass pool fencing provides a refined and stylish…

Keeping Your Life Intact After An Arrest

If you’ve never been arrested, you probably think it could never happen to you. It’s easy to be judgmental when you see repentant criminals being grilled by a prosecutor, but the truth is, they’re human beings, just like you. People make mistakes, and often they learn from these mistakes. We are taught this lesson over and over in grade school, but by the time we’re adults we see mistakes as failures, as something to be ashamed of. For some people, deep-seated psychological issues, addiction and toxic relationships can only be recognized once they’ve hit rock bottom. Unfortunately, sometimes this involves a…

How Are Credit Scores Calculated?

Whether you were born in the U.S. or you move here, understanding how credit reports and credit scores work is an important part of your financial life. Your credit score plays an essential role in pretty much everything related to your personal finances. Knowing what goes into your credit score and how it’s calculated can help empower you to make the decisions that will allow you to have a good score, and then you’ll have more financial opportunities as a result. “Even if you’re just looking for a new job or apartment, having a thin credit profile—meaning you don’t have…

How to Find the Best Air Conditioning Repair in Victorville CA

If you are looking for tips on how to find the best air conditioning repair in Victorville ca, then you will be happy to know that you have found them. That being said, it isn’t necessarily easy to find an air conditioning repair service simply because these machines are so vital for our daily living. Hence, you need to make sure that you apply the right search methods in order to find an air conditioning service that will actually work for you. Finding Air Conditioning in Repair in Victorville CA Online Nowadays, the internet is generally seen as the best…

Tips for Starting a Loud and Proud Career after Graduating From Law School

Congratulations on graduating from law school.  This is a brilliant achievement that not too many people are fortunate enough to enjoy.   Law studies are some of the more challenging curriculums to take on which also means that you can definitely give yourself a pat on the back for this incredible achievement. Now that you finally have your professional qualification you might feel like it is time to slack off and take a break – and you would be very wrong in doing so. The sooner you dive in and start working the higher your chances will become of becoming successful…

Back-To-School Spending By The Numbers

If you’re like most parents in the States, you’re getting ready to celebrate. Why? Because the school year is just around the corner, which means your kids will be out of the house and back in the classroom once again. Don’t pop the champagne just yet. Gone are the days when you could send your kids to class with just a lunch and a backpack. As Trump’s budget cuts affect school boards across the States, parents are expected to supply more essential school materials than ever before. When the list includes graphing calculators, sport participation fees, and musical instrument rentals, the…