Caroline Frost, Author at Live And Love Out Loud - Page 8 of 21

Posts Written ByCaroline Frost

5 Ways To Lower The Monthly Payments of Your Personal Loan

In the past two years, consumer debts have touched an all-time high, mainly due to COVID-19. Bad debt management can and will break your bank account in no time, whether you have a high-paying job or a minimum wage job. If you want total financial freedom, handling your debts smartly is non-negotiable. If you are juggling multiple debts and are struggling to make the repayments on time, then you will be happy to know there are some ways to manage the strain of the monthly payments of your personal loans. Here are 5 ways through which you can lower the…

5 Makeup Looks to Try This Summer

Summer is finally here! It’s time to ditch your winter coat and itchy sweaters for denim shorts and bikinis. For many, summer is the best season for fashion, including makeup. Trends this summer include glitter and surprising pops of color while keeping the face looking fresh and clean. Summer is the time to let your natural skin shine – just make sure you’re wearing sunscreen, or you could risk skin conditions or medical complications that could lead to a trip to a clinic like Northwest Surgery Center. Here are 5 makeup looks to try that will keep you feeling cool…

4 Tips for Professional Makeup

No matter what you do for work, looking professional and put together in the workplace is a necessity. Despite what some people might think, workplace appropriate makeup looks don’t need to be boring – whether you’re off to a shift at your local coffee shop or preparing to present HSI training programs in your corporate office, you should be able to express yourself creatively with makeup without it interfering with your job. If you need a little help getting inspired, here are 5 tips for professional makeup that anyone can try, regardless of their workplace. 1. Go Natural No matter how…

3 Makeup Hacks That Always Work

We have direct from the pros, the best makeup courses (and TikTok of course), 3 of the top makeup hacks that you can depend on. When applying basic everyday makeup you want to know these hacks to ensure you step out the door looking the part each and every time without too much extra effort. 1. The Three Layer Lash Application Base to tip application alone is old news. A hot favourite amongst the professionals is the three step application. You start with just applying only to the tips. Next you take it from the middle to the tips. And…

8 of the Hottest Styles for Spring Break 2022

Time to put those winter coats back in storage! Spring Break is upon us, and it’s time to get hip with the latest trends for this glamorous week. Stop by the outlet mall on the way to the airport and grab these styles before you head out on your trip! 1. The Y2K Look The early 2000s were defined by styles with bright colors, bold patterns, and tie-up halter tops. This Spring Break, embrace the 2000s with some flare jeans, tightly-braided hair, and pastels. If you weren’t around to experience the Y2K look yourself, make sure to pair a lot of…

7 Powerful Reasons to Use Video Marketing in the Growth of Your Business

If you are running a business, you know how important having the best marketing strategy for your product or service is. Your business is nearly guaranteed to fail without proper marketing, even if your product is truly revolutionary. It is probably because your customers will not even be aware that such a product exists. It is your job to let your customers know of the product’s necessity. Many entrepreneurs today are hesitant to have the best marketing strategy. It is because the videos are required to have the best marketing strategy. Video content marketing is known to be expensive. This is…

Plan the Perfect Father-Son Getaway with These Fun Tips

Whether you’re looking to spend quality time with your son or father, there are a variety of adventures you can embark upon. Rather than staying at home, watching TV, and barely muttering a few words to each other, we recommend packing up and going on a trip. This way, conversations can be had, skills will be learned, and unforgettable experiences will be shared. In fact, there’s nothing more fulfilling than creating precious moments with the person you care about most. Let’s discuss a few trip ideas that will create memories that last a lifetime. Go on a Camping Trip Nothing…

4 of the Most Fashionable Winter Accessories

Winter is fast approaching and with it the unfortunate promise of freezing temperatures and brutal winds. This is the time when many of us break out our heavy coats and winter accessories. But just because you have to bundle up in extra layers of clothes doesn’t mean you have to look like an overstuffed marshmallow. As for the extra accessories that cover up exposed portions of skin, there are an abundance of options to suit a variety of styles. Here are some of the most fashionable accessories you’ll want to wear this winter. Keep Those Ears Warm! One of the…

Saving Money Living In A Brick Home

Like every recurring trend, brick homes are back in style. Homeowners are knocking down drywall to uncover the beautiful, rustic masonry that lies beneath. Luckily, the brick in your home’s interior is more protected than your home’s exterior stonework. Even though exterior brick can be magnificent, fixing any problems can be more costly than siding panels or wooden exterior. Here are some things to keep in mind to preserve your beautiful brickwork and to save money at the same time. A Proper Inspection Not all, but some people believe that bricks and stonework are near impervious from harm over the…

Affordable Family Vacation Ideas

Nothing is better for recharging our batteries than taking a well-earned vacation after putting countless hours into a job that you, hopefully, love. However, there’s more than yourself to think about. You’ve got a whole family that wants to come along! The hubby and two kids insist that they accompany you. And what the heck, they’re not half bad, so why not? The more the merrier! However, more butts on the plane means the cost is going up. Whether you work at a hospital, a scribe agency, or even a marketing firm, taking the entire family on a tropical getaway…