Caroline Frost, Author at Live And Love Out Loud - Page 12 of 21

Posts Written ByCaroline Frost

Dubai’s Most Popular Spots for Surfing

The Arabian Gulf where Dubai is located, is an inland sea and does not open to an ocean. Nonetheless, the Gulf experiences big winds and winter storms that generate winds on the beach. Since the Gulf is a long stretch, these winds create surfable waves. The most consistent conditions for surfing in Dubai falls between October and June. During summer that mostly falls between June and September, the lower east coast can be a good place to surf because of the Khareef monsoon winds. In other months, there are good waves enough to enjoy and learn surfing on warm waters…

Hyperloop and its Impact on Dubai Real Estate

In the recent past, the Hyperloop transportation concept has been receiving a lot of attention and discussion across the world. The term was coined by Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and SpaceX in 2012. This comes at a time when developed countries are looking forward to establishing advanced transportation systems. The Dubai- Abu Dhabi Hyperloop, which is expected to start functioning by 2021, will be the first in the world. At a speed of 1200kms/hr, it will take only twelve minutes from Dubai to Abu Dhabi. This will help to cut the travel time that usually takes around 2hrs significantly.…

3 Stupid Ways that Smart Parents Waste Money on their Kids

We all know that smart people can do stupid things. Politicians come to mind. So do celebrities. And then there are all of those unfortunate Darwin Award recipients, many of whom had college degrees, high-profile jobs, and managed to use the word “antidisestablishmentarianism” in conversation a few times a year. And then, of course, there are smart parents who, unfortunately, have a propensity to do something pretty unintelligent (read: stupid) things when it comes to spending money on their kids. Here are some of the most common examples: Buying a ridiculous amount of birthday and Christmas gifts. The big problem…

What is Freight Factoring

Freight factoring is a service that helps trucking companies get paid faster. The freight factory company buys invoices from a trucking company for a fee, and pays them very quickly, often within 24 hours. Then the freight factoring company sends the invoice to the customer and receives payment from them. For busy business owners, freight factoring helps you to ensure you and your team get paid on-time. Instead of waiting 30 days or more for payment from brokers or shippers, you can get paid the same day with freight factoring. While it does have a fee, it’s well worth the…

Dealing with Stress Caused by Your Family Members

Source: Unsplash You feel stressed at work all the time, and it starts to become a regular thing. You go home, and you forget all these problems. However, when your source of stress is at home, it is difficult to overcome. It could be a rebellious teenage child or a partner who does not understand you. Regardless of the situation, it is not an easy challenge to face. Therefore, you need to find ways to overcome stress at home. Keep your mouth shut You feel stressed out because you always end up fighting with your family members. When your daughter…

How Getting Therapy can help you Live the Fullest Life Possible

Source Living life to the fullest is quite challenging, especially when you are passing through something difficult. Problems are common in our lives, but how one manages them determines how your life will go. Different people handle situations differently. Some sob into depression when they are unable to contain the issues at hand. For most people, this is unfortunately how they deal with negative situations in life. As such, therapy is widely recommended for people like this. Getting therapy boosts ones self-esteem. It helps to understand yourself, more than anyone else, which in turn can help you live a fuller…

Top Tips For Getting the Most Out of a Baltic Cruise

To go on a Baltic cruise holiday is something which I would most definitely recommend and after a highly enjoyable trip around the Baltic nations last year, I cannot wait until August when it will be time to enjoy another. I have been on quite a few cruises in the last decade and they are my preferred type of vacation at the moment and this trip to the Baltic was probably my favorite of them all. If this is the type of trip which you fancy then here are some tips on making sure that you get the most out…

Why You Should Take Your Family To Walt Disney World

Taking the family on vacation to Disney World is a large expense and this is often something which puts many people off the idea of doing it at all. With some careful financial planning however you can take the family on that vacation of a lifetime to go and visit what is widely considered as the best destination for a family trip. As long as you are not putting yourself under unnecessary financial pressure, this is a trip which is well worth blowing your savings on and here is why a family holiday to Walt Disney World will be worth…

How to Pick the Perfect Primary Care Physician in Five Simple Steps

Research suggests that having access to a primary care physician increases life expectancy. More than specialist doctors, primary care providers (PCPs) forge lasting relationships with their patients that often translate into better preventive and intuitive care. Apparently, but not surprisingly, routine (even if relatively short) visits with their patients help PCPs develop a deeper understanding of their medical issues, behavior and preferences. It’s an understanding that makes it easier for primary care doctors to anticipate and respond to their patients’ physical and emotional needs, with the happy result being the improvement of patients’ health and the prolonging of their lives. With this…

4 Innovative Ways to Improve Customer Service

There’s an argument to be made customer service is the single most important factor that determines long-term success in business. After all, businesses that are able to keep their customers happy and develop a loyal base are well-positioned to survive and thrive in any industry or environment. The problem, though, is that delivering top-notch customer service isn’t a straightforward process; a little ingenuity is required. Given that fact, today we’re going to share four innovative ways you can enhance your customers’ experience and improve retention rates at the same time: Follow Up One of the simplest –– and most effective ––…